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Student wellbeing

St Andrews Primary School is committed to providing a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment for all students. We understand that students reach their full potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe, and that a positive school culture helps to engage students and support them in their learning.


Our school acknowledges that student wellbeing and student learning outcomes are closely linked. Below are some examples of the ways in which we aim to foster wellbeing and a positive school culture:  

  • We have implemented the SWPBS, short for School-wide positive behaviour support, which is an evidence-based framework that helps to develop positive, safe, and supportive learning cultures. One aspect of this are our Echidna Stamps, which are given in recognition of behaviour that exemplifies our school values (caring, courageous and responsible). SWPBS is a fantastic framework that has been shown to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people. 

  • Our whole staff recently undertook the Berry Street Education Model training, to continue to build our understanding and strategies to support students to help students meet their own learning needs and to understand better the benefits of trauma-informed teaching on child development and students' ability to learn. 

  • We have dedicated Wellbeing lessons on a weekly basis, including topics such as Respectful Relationships and URSTRONG - Friendology as well as different aspects of SWPBS. 

  • We organise various wellbeing experiences - past examples include Calm Youth, Myth Busters and Canine Comprehension.

  • Teachers are encouraged to give the students 'brain breaks' (5-10 min breaks, often involving movement such as dance or a game) as needed.​

  • We also have dedicated wellbeing support with our Chaplain, Tracey, whose aim is to care for, help and support the students, staff, parents and the whole school community. Despite what the title might suggest, she is not teaching religious education, but rather acts as someone who students may talk to if they have any worries or concerns, or even if they just want to share their successes! ​

For more info, please get in touch

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St Andrews Primary School

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